How We Built Our 7 Figure Section 8 Real Estate Portfolio

(6 Figure Guaranteed Income)

Learn the systems and frameworks behind our results. 

Hear an Interview with Mike Caggiano on how he built a $4M real estate portfolio while building his career.

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What Is Section 8?

Section 8 provides guaranteed rental income to real estate investorsĀ who participate in the program.

It's a Federal Government program to provide housing assistance toĀ low income Americans that need a chance.

This means you the investor get a great tenant to protect your property, and guaranteed payments provided by the government.

This allows you to scale your real estate portfolio with confidence, knowing the rent checks are coming in each month.

Want to earn guaranteed income for your family?

Here's what we are offering...

The Section 8 Secrets E-book Guide - Total Value: $497 

A 100+ Page E-Book guide covering the step by step information and action items to help you analyze a property, forecast your cash, land a tenant, complete the paperwork, and get PAID as fast as possible. 

Bonus #1: E-Course Guide -  Total Value: $497 

15 Chapters, 40 plus lessons that include 20 additional video tutorials & bonus material on specific real estate financial measures to help you succeed. 

Bonus #2: The S8S Forecaster - Total Value: $297 

An online Table with formulas that will detail how to evaluate properties, so you can buy with confidence knowing your #'s like the back of your hand. 

Bonus #3: The S8S Analyzer - Total Value: $297 

Finding the FMR to Purchase Ratio is a massive pain. Most PHAs hide this information and require you to call or do a lot of homework. Not us. We have the entire FMR database provided by HUD and we've visualized it along side Property Rates from Redfin. This will save you WEEKS of work.

Bonus #4: Community Level Chat Access - Total Value: $297 

Access to Section 8 Secrets Partners (Active Section 8 investors) who will answer your questions and guide you to the right resources whether you are acquiring your first or 10th Section 8 property. This is invaluable to get real time feedback and support from those who are already in the trenches doing what you are trying to do.

Bonus #5: New Tenant Questionnaire and Scoring System - Total Value: $197

Properly evaluate applicants to find the right tenants for your property.

Bonus #6: Training Videos - Total Value: $97

We walk you step by step how to use the tools we have developed for you. 

Retail Value is $2,179. 

But YOU are going to get it all for $8/Month.

We got tired of hearing how other course creators were charging fortunes to learn all of this information. The reality is America benefits when there is less poverty in the streets and more cash in the community. You can learn this as fast you can possibly put this into practice. If you can't afford $8 to learn how to earn generational wealth, you will never be ready to do it. This program is designed for you to significantly cut your learning curve, avoid common mistakes, and replicate what we've done. 

And no, there isn't another higher ticket priced course after this one. This is the end of the line. Our goal is to build a community of like minded investors to potentially do future deals with. If you can learn it all in the first month, good! You just spent $8 to fundamentally change your life. Cancel after the first month, no questions asked. 

For the partners of Section 8 Secrets, we earn our income through our careers and our properties. We don't have big TikTok followings, and we aren't masters of marketing because that's not where we invest our time, although maybe we should. Instead of spending our time becoming marketing masters and scamming people out of thousands of dollars, we're over here building lightweight methods to educate conservative investors how to leverage the Section 8 program.

We work, we go full dad mode, we invest in high value properties, and we backstop our properties with Section 8 income. It's not a fancy way to to do things, but it's effective. 

See you on the inside.

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Why Should I Trust You?Ā 

My name is Mike Caggiano and I've been successfully investing in Section 8 real estate for over 17 years.

During that time, I've also helped many others run my playbook to build generational wealth.

My program is built on conservative growth and outstanding cash flow.

There are others who will teach you to go bigger, to negotiate more, to leverage more assets to build your portfolio. That is certainly an option, and yes, there are other ways to obtain cash to acquire properties. There are other ways to find seller financing and big time deals. For me, I focus on my family. I focus on the things I enjoy. And I am able to live what I would call a low stress life thanks to this program.

My program is about conservative safe growth.

I've used this playbook to build a six figure passive income stream and a real estate portfolio worth over $4 million dollars.

But that's not why you should trust me.

You should trust me because I've helped many others do the exact same. From my former colleagues to current partners, all of them have added at least $10K in annual income and some of them are crossing $100k annually just like me. You can do the same.

If you're interested in a conservative step into Section 8 this is the program for you.

We will help you get your first property, and after you get a few under your belt, you won't need another program. You'll be a master.

I don't expect you to be a subscriber forever. Or maybe you will because you enjoy using the Analyzer or other tools to make finding properties really easy. I expect you to bust your ass and get a property cash flowing in the first year. Maybe you'll do it even faster. My fastest pupil used the training and had cashflow within 60 days. Probably the best $16 he's ever spent. He spent $16 to acquire a property at $205,000 and that property is now worth $238,000 and he is cashflowing $800/mon. Would you like to add $9,600/year of cash to your lifestyle? You might think that's small, but it makes a major difference in your monthly expenses.

AND, that was his first one. He's purchased 2 more since then. So yeah, it's the biggest ROI on $8/month you can imagine.

- Mike Caggiano

P.S. I hope to see you on the inside. 2024 is going to be a great year!Ā 

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